Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First post!

Hi everyone!
My name is Kristen Bates. I am from Ligonier, Pennsylvania. This year I am a junior at Ligonier Valley High School. Recently, I have applied to AFS (American Field Service) to study abroad for the first semester of the 2010-2011 school year. I hope to study abroad in Argentina. I want to travel abroad with AFS for many reasons. One reason I want to is because I think it is very important to expand your knowledge of the world you live in. I believe that living and immersing myself in a new culture will help me grow as a person. I also believe that spreading the word about a new culture in a small town like Ligonier, where diversity is limited, will give others the curiosity to explore the world around them.

I hope to gain a lot of things with the AFS program. One thing I expect to gain is a sense of independence and self sufficiency. These two traits will help me as I mature and grow older and need to start a life of my own. Another thing I hope to gain through AFS are friendships and memories that will last for a life time. I know this experience will be something I will never forget and I hope and expect to gain a lot of things from the AFS experience. After my return from Argentina I hope to inspire others around me to consider traveling abroad and experience the unknown.

Right now, as a junior, I have a lot on my plate academically. I am always very busy with homework, studying, sports, and doing the best I can to keep a social life alive. This year at school, my course load has increased immensely so I can receive all the credits I need to be able to study abroad with AFS. At school I am part of the junior class committee (which helps with the planning of prom), peer mentoring, AFS club, and the swim team. I also participate with the YMCA Swim Team. In total, this is my ninth year of swimming. Although my school schedule is taxing my plans to study abroad keep me motivated. My grades and GPA have all improved since last year. The AFS experience has already helped me and I know I will receive more from the program when I am actually abroad.

Hopefully, I will be able to raise enough money for this experience of a life time! Although I have already received a merit scholarship through AFS worth 500 dollars, I still need to raise more money for my trip. My AFS exchange costs 9,500 dollars and in total I still need to raise 7,500 more dollars. In the next few months I hope to do fundraising to help fund part of my trip. My family and I have thrown a few fundraising ideas up in the air and are still unsure of what to decide on. I hope with sharing my dream to study abroad with everyone and anyone willing to listen I will also be able to receive donations for my trip. No amount donated is too small and every amount received will get me one step closer to Argentina.

By clicking the ChipIn! gadget on the top right of my page you can help me reach my dreams. You can make a secure, non tax-deductible donation that will go straight to my AFS fund. Please pass my blog on to your friends, family, and co-workers! The link to my blog is

I am extremely grateful to you for taking the time to get to know me and my goal by reading this. Thank you for your time and getting me one step closer to Argentina.

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